Hotel Beaumont, Maastricht

Hotel Beaumont, Maastricht

Hotel Beaumont is a Hotel and Restaurant in Maastricht, Netherlands. The building has historic timber windows but was finding the single glazing was not a sustainable solution. It retrofitted FINEO into the timber frames and became warmer and energy-efficient.

The Noblemen, Amsterdam

The Noblemen, Amsterdam

The Noblemen is a hotel in Amsterdam built in 1663. It is packed with authentic character and style. It removed it's old single glazing and replaced it with FINEO Heritage glass that transformed the Hotel's warmth and comfort.

Les Myosotis B&B, France

Les Myosotis B&B, France

The Les Myosotis B&B in Saint-Honoré-les-Bains, France retrofitted FINEO Solar Control into their original steel frames. This allowed the space to be warm in Winter and prevent overheating in Summer.

Belnine, Brussels

Belnine, Brussels

Belnine is a new office building in the heart of the European district Brussels. At the core of their project was prioritising thermal and acoustic insulation. Thanks to the ultra-thin profile of FINEO it was installed into aluminium frames and delivers triple-glazing performance.